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How to extract interior polygon coordinates using Shapely?

I am new to Shapely (but enthusiastic about it), and recently I've discovered a bit of a road bump.

I have a polygon shapefile that I am reading in via Fiona. This shapefile contains BOTH polygon and multipolygon items and I need to build an array for each feature of all the coordinates within it (i.e. both exterior and/or interior). Notably, two of the polygon items have interior rings (and they are valid).

I seem to have no problem accessing the exterior coordinates of the polygon(s)/multipolygon(s) ... but I am not pulling anything for the interior coordinates.

Do I need to take a new approach here (i.e. LinearRings)...?

def convert_polygons(inFile):

    for polys in fiona.open(inFile):
        myShape = shape(polys['geometry'])
        exterior_poly = 0
        interior_poly = 0
        if isinstance(myShape, Polygon):
            print "yes, I am a polygon"
            # count how many points for each interior polygon
                interior_poly += len(myShape.interior.coords)
            # count how many points for each exterior polygon
            exterior_poly += len(myShape.exterior.coords)
            geomArray = asarray(myShape.exterior)
            print geomArray
            print "number of interior points in polygon " + str(interior_poly)
            print "number of exterior points in polygon " + str(exterior_poly)
        elif isinstance(myShape, MultiPolygon):
            print "yes, I am a MultiPolygon"
            # count how many points for each interior polygon
                interior_poly += len(myShape.interior.coords)
                # count how many points for each exterior polygon
                exterior_poly += len(myShape.exterior.coords)
                geomArray = asarray(myShape.interior)
                geomArray = asarray(myShape.exterior)
            print geomArray
            print "number of interior points in polygon " + str(interior_poly)
            print "number of exterior points in polygon " + str(exterior_poly)
like image 727
user14696 Avatar asked Feb 17 '14 08:02


People also ask

How do you extract points from a polygon?

Doing an intersect between the polygons and the points would "extract" the values into another point layer that you could join to and copy value to your points.

What is LineString in Python?

A LineString has zero area and non-zero length. >>> from shapely.geometry import LineString >>> line = LineString([(0, 0), (1, 1)]) >>> line. area 0.0 >>> line. length 1.4142135623730951. Its x-y bounding box is a (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) tuple.

1 Answers

Interior and exterior rings are structured differently. For any polygon, there is always 1 exterior ring with zero or more interior rings.

So looking at the structure of a geometry, exterior is a LinearRing object, and interiors is a list of zero or more LinearRing objects. Any LinearRing object will have coords, which you can slice to see a list of the coordinates with coords[:].

The following is a function that returns a dict of lists of exterior and interior coordinates:

def extract_poly_coords(geom):
    if geom.type == 'Polygon':
        exterior_coords = geom.exterior.coords[:]
        interior_coords = []
        for interior in geom.interiors:
            interior_coords += interior.coords[:]
    elif geom.type == 'MultiPolygon':
        exterior_coords = []
        interior_coords = []
        for part in geom:
            epc = extract_poly_coords(part)  # Recursive call
            exterior_coords += epc['exterior_coords']
            interior_coords += epc['interior_coords']
        raise ValueError('Unhandled geometry type: ' + repr(geom.type))
    return {'exterior_coords': exterior_coords,
            'interior_coords': interior_coords}


like image 137
Mike T Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11

Mike T