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New posts in computational-geometry

3-D Cartesian points to 2-D hemispherical and calculate the area of 2-D Voronoi cells

Finding near neighbors

What's a good library to do computational geometry (like CGAL) in a garbage-collected language?

Approximating an ellipse with a polygon

Finding holes in 2d point sets?

Where to study computational geometry? [closed]

Algorithm or software for slicing a mesh

Getting a bounded polygon coordinates from Voronoi cells

Fitting a convex polygon into another polygon

shortest paths & geodesics

Voronoi - Compute exact boundaries of every region

What is the fastest algorithm to calculate the minimum distance between two sets of points?

How can I find the alpha shape (concave hull) of a 2d point cloud?

How to efficiently find k-nearest neighbours in high-dimensional data?

How to find upper envelopes of intersected lines in O(nlogn)?

is Boost.Geometry mature enough?

Approximation of a solid by a union of spheres

What is most efficient way to find the intersection of a line and a circle in python?

Area of rectangle-rectangle intersection

Draw a parallel line