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New posts in compiler-construction

JVM language interoperability

yylval undefined with flex and bison

What may make non-optimized F# code faster than optimized code?

What need to be done to implement "import ... as ..." in java

Installing C/C++ Compilers in Android

Modern operating system / compiler where int (in C) is not 32 bits?

c compiler-construction

Problems when compiling Objective C with Clang (Ubuntu)

DFAs vs Regexes when implementing a lexical analyzer?

Is it possible to optimize a compiled binary?

Can compilers (specifically rustc) really simplify triangle-summation to avoid a loop? How?

Events in lambda expressions - C# compiler bug?

Unable to recognize single line comments in Lex

c lex compiler-construction

Formally constructing Control Flow Graph

Linking object files built using different versions of GCC

Changing the icon of the produced .exe, py2exe

How to fix a missing ld library for -lfl while compiling?

Compiling a Java Class in memory with `lombok` annotations and Java JDK 8

Is there any way to determine the available stack space at run time?

looking for transpiler: php to javascript [closed]

Strategy for desugaring Haskell