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New posts in compiler-construction

Tools for converting non-Java into Java source [closed]

Checking string format at compile time in C#

Generics in VB.NET

Disable logging in Java at compile time

Make macros and functions integrate more seamlessly

Compilation on 64-bit system for 32 bit system - compatibility

Compiler optimization about elimination of pointer operation on inline function in C?

Few questions about C++ compilers : GCC, MSVC, Clang, Comeau etc

How to @suppress multiple warnings with Closure Compiler?

How to compile all resources into one executable file?

Dynamic vs Static Compiler (JavaScript)

Recompile all Python files in directory

Creating a small programming language for beginners

difference between compiler and compiler driver in LLVM?

Why is ebx saved in the stack frame of a simple function, calling gets?

Is compiler allowed to ignore inline in case of template specialization?

Interpreter in Python: Making your own programming language?

How does this function definition work?

Debugging and preprocessor directive

What is the overhead for a method call in a loop?