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New posts in compiler-construction

not clear with the job of the linker

Different behavior of compilers with array allocation

Objective-C preprocessor available?

Just in Time compilation always faster?

What is hierarchy for these grammars: LL1,SLR1,LR0,LR1 and LALR1?

Open source Web based Java compiler

Can LLVM jitter emit the native code in continus memory addresses?

Generated IL differences for VB.NET and C#

Creating ELF binaries without using libelf or other libraries

How to circumvent the size limit of a static initialiser in Java when initialising large amounts of constants

Java compiler super() constructor generals [duplicate]

Can a left associative operator be expressed in a way such that top-down LL(1) parsers can understand?

Could C++ also be interpreted instead of compiled?

What does the Xcode 5 build setting "Unused Functions" actually do?

Can the compiler implicitly std::move arguments when referenced just once?

Free Monad for AST > 1-arity?

Is there any work being done to create a C# compiler to produce native exe's?

Interpret something, and run the generated bytecode in Java?

Casting pointer as template argument: Comeau & MSVC compile, GCC fails

What are good heuristics for inlining functions?