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New posts in compiler-construction

Converting a grammar into LL(1) grammar: some problems

frontend to LLVM-based compiler

Flex Metadata Compiler Extension in FlashDevelop tutorial

C compiler asserts: how to dynamically use them wherever the expression is fixed?

How can I compile mixed C and C++ code?

Languages that optimise using logic programming

Generating version information in Matlab (Matlab Compiler)

Lambda returning lambda incorrectly infers return type?

AOP Pre-compile time weaving?

xtext dealing with left recursion grammar

Why does the compiler init this variable to the wrong value? Is this an alignment issue?

Algorithm for register allocation

C# Dragon Book (Lexical analysis) How to handle literals

How to modify all items of a crate in a compiler plugin?

Automatic Code Optimization Techniques

c++ typeid operator

fatal error mysql.h:No such file or directory during compilation

await in try-finally block

Is there a systematic way to discover which implicit defs are in scope, and which one is bound at a particular point?

Warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90