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New posts in compare-and-swap

Release-Only form of CAS

Why do both free and member functions exist for compare and swap operations?

Mixing lightweight transactions and normal writes in Cassandra

Why can the MESI protocol not guarantee atomicity of CMPXCHG on x86 without the LOCK prefix?

Is reading a 64-bit atomic value safe on 64-bit platforms if I write/swap using OS atomic functions with barrier?

C++ atomics memory ordering for some specific use case

Can competing atomic operations starve one another?

How does incrementAndGet method of AtomicLong works internally?

Why Double-Checked Locking is used at all?

Compare and Swap on x86 - why is it a full barrier?

Why Atomic versions are missing for some primitive types while being present for some?

Is it guaranteed that compareAndSwap can NOT fail for ALL the participating threads?

Java CAS operation performs faster than C equivalent, why?

java - stealing bits from references

Interlocked.Exchange<T> slower than Interlocked.CompareExchange<T>?

Atomic Compare And Swap with struct in Go

In what situations can do-while be more efficient than while?

Should interlocked implementations based on CompareExchange use SpinWait?

Fetch-and-add using OpenMP atomic operations

Java Atomic Variable set() vs compareAndSet()