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Where is a good place to start with making an application in .NET that communicates through OPC? [closed]

Quick and dirty solution for communication between processes in different machines [closed]

How to use a struct defined in a Thrift file using keyword "include"

java communication thrift

accessing textview within a fragment in activity

What is the single most effective thing you have done to improve your soft skills? [closed]


1k of Program Space, 64 bytes of RAM. Is 1 wire communication possible?

What techniques can you use to encode data on a lossy one-way channel?

networking communication

Communication JQuery and C#

How to refer to "equivalent" algorithms

Vue.js - Parent <-> Slot Communication

All ways of JVM to JVM communication

java jvm communication

Communicating between applications?

java c++ python communication

In .NET what's the best way for two processes in the same machine to communicate?

.net process communication

C# .NET communicate between computers over network [closed]

interprocess C# python real time

Communicating multiple times with a subprocess [duplicate]

Multiple serial values from arduino to processing?

Interface between a DSP/Microcontroller and a PC application