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New posts in com-interop

"Access to the Registry Key Denied" when building a .NET DLL for COM Interop

How to check if type from assembly is ComVisible

c# .net com interop com-interop

In Excel VBA how to persist key variables over a 'state loss' (without writing to a cell or a file)?

vba excel com-interop

How To Expose a DIctionary<> to COM Interop

c# generics com-interop

How to properly clean up interop objects in C#

Is a COMException of 0x80040154 always 'Class not registered'?

Excel interop - how to stop number (stored as text) being "evaluated"

c# excel com-interop

Is it possible to register a .NET assembly for COM interop without adding registry entries?

Exact steps for registration-free COM interop in .NET (invoke copied COM dll without regsvr32)

com-interop regfreecom

How do I expose a .netstandard2.0 library with COM for use in VB6?

COMException (0x80010108 - RPC_E_DISCONNECTED) When Closing Excel.Workbook

Techniques for resolving COM-related error 0x80040154?

Unable to call c# code from vbscript - ActiveX error

Where is using null BSTR documented?

Does Primary Interop Assemblies ( PIA ) require Microsoft Office to be installed in the machine to work

How do I call a visual basic 6.0 method in c#?

c# dll vb6 methods com-interop

Ignore excel vba errors during read cell values from C# through COM interop

c# excel com-interop vba

Can I get some clarity on ReleaseComObject? Can I ignore it?

c# .net com vsto com-interop