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Dashing dashboard linking widgets

Backbone collection comparator

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How to execute shell script from hubot

Empty object require angular browserify

coffeescript analog of try() activesupport method

Node/Busboy: get file size

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Convert cheerio object to string

Coffeescript resetCards is not a function

How would you write an alternating row function using modulus in CoffeeScript?

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Why does setting positions in a subclass of Array not change its length? Should I not subclass array?

How to render jQuery Mobile in dynamic clientside templates from a Backbone view?

Querying nested embedded documents with Mongoose

How to convert arguments to an array in coffeescript?

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CoffeeScript idiom for Array.reduce with default value


Why the heck is Rails 3.1 / Sprockets 2 / CoffeeScript adding extra code?

Is it possible to profile my code using CoffeeScript for Node.js?

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Can CoffeeScript Be Translated into This Piece of JavaScript?

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Angularjs accessing methods in another factory

Shared JS (Coffee) in Rails

coffeescript unexpected INDENT

coffeescript sublimetext2