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New posts in coffeescript

Emacs: How to generate etags for coffeescript?

Appending a directory to watch-sources in SBT settings

Coffeescript / Jquery binding events best practice [closed]

AngularJS ng-table cannot set property '$data' of null

How can I pass arguments into a gulp task callback?

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CoffeeScript to select form fields dynamically on change and on load

Test for Apple Push Notification

What's the difference between a keyword or a statement, and a function call?

PhantomJS unexpected load behavior with multiple pages

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How to understand the JavaScript code generated by CoffeeScript's `extends` keyword

CoffeeScript --compile order in sub-directories


use javascript in rails 3.2 without coffeescript

In coffeescript, what's the difference between "is not" and "!="?


Looking for a javascript to coffeescript online converter [closed]

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Count sentences in string with JavaScript

Why don't I have the 'coffee' command?

CoffeeScript scope issue

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Preparing client side Coffeescript: compiling, uglifying gzipping

Rails 3.1 not detecting Coffeescript and Javascript changes?

Uncaught ReferenceError: namespace is not defined when namespacing in coffeescript

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