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Pagination not working after loading JSON data on Ng-Table

AngularJS ngTable is slow on lot of data

angularjs ngtable

How to define a filter box out of the ng-table?

ng-table , getData called more than once, why?

angularjs ngtable

ng-table not working for dynamic data

Angularjs ng-attr-title not working in chrome browser

angularjs ngtable

AngularUI with Typeahead and Tooltip in ngTable with Custom header length undefined at scope.isOpen

ng-table filter with nested properties

angularjs ngtable

Add columns to dynamic ng-table based on results of promise

AngularJS ng-table cannot set property '$data' of null

ng-table TypeError: Cannot set property '$data' of null

ngtable : sort and filter on nested object

angularjs ngtable

Angularjs: bracket missing in attribute

Params undefined in ng-table's getData function

ng-table grouping - initialize with rows minimised

angularjs ngtable

ngTable filtering on nested fields

angularjs ngtable

Angular ng-table dynamic headers doesn't work inside

angularjs ngtable

AngularJS ng-table fixed headers

angularjs ngtable