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In coffeescript, what's the difference between "is not" and "!="?



I've got this line of code:

console.log "source = #{@source.alignment} unit = #{unit.alignment}: " + (@source.alignment is not unit.alignment)

This is printing this out to the console:

source = good unit = bad: false

Why is it printing "false"? Shouldn't it be printing "true"? Logically, good "is not" bad.


console.log "source = #{@source.alignment} unit = #{unit.alignment}: " + (@source.alignment != unit.alignment)


source = good unit = bad: true

as expected.

What's the difference? When should I use is not?

like image 935
Daniel Kaplan Avatar asked Jun 21 '13 01:06

Daniel Kaplan

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1 Answers

It's an operator precedence issue:

a is not b => a is (not b)

That means that this compiles to the next js:

a === !b

In your case, b is unit.alignment, and as that var exists and its value is not falsy, !unit.alignment returns false

To solve your problem, check out isnt operator in Coffeescript docs

like image 143
Juan Guerrero Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10

Juan Guerrero