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New posts in coding-style

Hidden Whitespace Best Practice

coding-style whitespace

Explicitness vs. DRY - which way is more pythonic? [closed]

python coding-style dry

Should JavaDoc go before or after a method-level annotation? [duplicate]

Is it good practice to bind shared pointers returned by functions to lvalue references to const?

Should Java enums be defined in their own files?

java coding-style enums

How to add methods to a class without changing the COM+ Class ID

c# com coding-style

Interlinked struct and callback in C

C# Try/Catch/Finally [closed]

Why Object.hashCode() does not follow Java code convention [closed]

java hashcode coding-style

I need to import a remote file into my less document

css coding-style less

In C# (or any language) what is/are your favourite way of removing repetition?

c# coding-style refactoring

What is the correct naming notation for classes, functions, variables etc in c#?

How do I set a border around an image in Android?

In Objective C, is there a difference between if (object == nil) and if (nil == object)?

Better Term than "Decisecond" [closed]

What are the good programming practices in C# to make code more self-explanatory? [closed]

c# .net coding-style

Showing accumulated messages to the user

Best practice for handling multiple exceptions in similar ways in Java

Should outside libraries be wrapped?

c++ coding-style

Switch values between two parameters [Best Practice / Better Code]

c# coding-style