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New posts in code-formatting

Coding unity shaders with unity visual studio [closed]

Configuring Perl::Tidy to handle custom keywords

How can I modify the code formatting for C++ in Visual Studio Code?

Ctrl+k, Ctrl+d not available in Visual Studio 2010 working on C++ project

Beautify / lint whitespace in JavaScript [closed]

Is there a tool for reformatting C# code? [closed]

c# code-formatting

Ruby indented multiline strings [duplicate]

ruby code-formatting

Looking for Java code beautifier (or maybe not beautify, but something to make code more elegant) [closed]

java code-formatting

Is there a way to convert multiple variable declarations to one per line?

VSCode - Ctrl + Alt + L adds weird character. Need to get rid of it

JSLint, else and Expected exactly one space between '}' and 'else' error

How to de-indent chunk of code quickly?

How can I beautify JSON inside a document?

json latex code-formatting

Format liquid(Shopify) code in visual studio code

automatic code-style-guide test for C++ [duplicate]

c++ code-formatting

Intellij Scala class definition formatting

Code-formatter for Objective-C

How can I make perltidy work with Method::Signatures?

Intellij Formatting variable declarations

How to import an EditorConfig file into Visual Studio for all solutions?