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Cloudbees Jenkins Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin configuration hardcoded to use Cloud?

jenkins bitbucket cloudbees

In Jenkins, is there a way to persist npm packages so I don't have to install them in each build?

Trigger a jenkins build from git using cloudbees and bitbucket

How do I get a grunt task working with a Cloudbees Jenkins build

jenkins cloudbees gruntjs

How can I specify which application.conf to user when deploying on cloudbees

How to trigger a Travis rebuild for my pull-request from a GitHub comment?

Intermittent Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400 on CloudBees

websocket cloudbees

CloudBees and App Cells, Instances and Pools

How do I add Grails to my cloudbees Jenkins installation?

grails jenkins cloudbees

How to set up multiple "environments" with CloudBees?

jenkins missing jobs after removal of plugins

How to repeat a stage in Jenkins Workflow

Jenkins Groovy how to call methods from @NonCPS method without ending pipeline

No space on device with Jenkins and Docker - how to cleanup properly

Load file from '/conf' directory on Cloudbees

jenkins-cli build on Cloudbees: "no such job"

Deploying a java web application online