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Why does (keys "") return nil in Clojure, whereas (keys "abc") is an error?

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Can gen-class override a protected Java method?

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How do I save streaming tweets from twitter-api in Clojure?

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How can I add a build step to leiningen?

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Clojure live browser reload on Linux

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Is there some way to automate connections to nREPL from Vim Fireplace?

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var or ref/atom/agent for constant values?

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Auto building Clojurescript files for Compojure app

What is the equivalent of Celery for Clojure?

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How to tolerate RabbitMQ restarts in Langohr?

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Failing to download Leiningen standalone jar file

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Can I reload stylesheets in JavaFX 8 without a JVM restart?

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Development workflow for a Clojure webapp with Docker

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Lein console (like sbt)

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How to set S3 path style in Clojure using Amazonica library?

JVM: most simple way to alter code of a dependency library?

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Idiomatic encapsulation in Clojure: How can data be bundled with linked behavior?

Idiomatic way to represent sum type (Either a b) in Clojure

How do I pass a static method to comp in clojure?

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How do I get my brain moving in "lisp mode?"