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Lein console (like sbt)

Is there some built-in functionality or plugin to lein to get a lein console, so for example one could test without waiting every time for JVM to start up.

$ lein console
>>> test
>>> test
>>> jar

Note: I'd like to trigger test runs myself, not e.g. by watching source files. That's why I'd like to have a lein console.

Clarification: I'm not looking for lein repl. I'd like to have a console where I could run lein task commands.

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phadej Avatar asked Oct 31 '22 10:10


1 Answers

Older versions of leiningen used to include lein interactive, which behaved much like the feature you are asking for: it opened a shell into which you could type test and have it run lein test from the already-running lein jvm, and so on. This feature was removed in the transition to lein 2.0, I think, and although I don't know why I suspect there was a good reason. Maybe try asking in #leiningen on freenode?

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amalloy Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 09:11
