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What is the equivalent of Celery for Clojure?




If I wanted to port a Python + Celery web application to a Clojure tech stack, what options do I have for task queuing and scheduling? Can I just interop with a Java library like Quartz?

After some searching, I found Quartzite, but have no idea about its efficacy.

Related: What's the equivalent of Python's Celery project for Java?

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Petrus Theron Avatar asked Nov 01 '22 04:11

Petrus Theron

1 Answers

Yes, Java interop with Quartz is reasonable and should probably be your default option. I think people are sometimes too hesitant to use Java interop from Clojure, but actually it works quite well.

For evaluating Quartzite, I would take a look at the specific scheduling features you know you'll need and see if Quartzite provides interfaces to those.

Another solution developed by a coworker of mine is a native Clojure library: Monotony, it might be worth checking out.

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levand Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 18:11
