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Clojure live browser reload on Linux

Is there something like Rack-LiveReload that could be used along with a tool like Guard-LiveReload for Clojure development? I really cannot make do without live reloading now that I have used it. If there is nothing more convenient I could download the LiveReload JS file and manually include it in my app and use that with Guard-LiveReload, but I would prefer it if there was an all Clojure solution. I cannot install the LiveReload app on my machine because I am using Linux, so that is why I would need something like Guard-LiveReload.

I am new to Clojure, but so far I am going to go with Ring and Compojure, which perhaps might make a difference.

like image 892
Lee Avatar asked Nov 02 '22 16:11


1 Answers

OK, this can be done very easily, but with Grunt and https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-watch (which has built in LiveReload support), Grunt will work with any language.

like image 104
Lee Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 07:11
