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New posts in claims-based-identity

Claims without roles?

Should I store user data as claims or in a user profile table?

How to force update custom user claims?

ASP.NET Core 2.0.3 ClaimsTransformer in combination with HttpContextAccessor, claims are being cleared

ADFS 2.0 Single Sign Out Not Signing Out

How can I find the content of a claim from inside an ASP.NET Web API method?

Apache CXF client for claims-mode xRM (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011)?

Cognito custom claims missing with Amplify but not with Appsync Console

Is using SAML bearer tokens for authenticating users to backend services a bad idea?

Moving from Web API 2 Claim-Based-Authentication to ThinkTecture

ADFS 2.0 time out and relation between Freshness Value,TokenLifetime and WebSSOLifetime parameters

null reference in pipeline for PostAuthenticateRequest in MVC 5

How to get custom claims value in Asp.net Web Api 2 - Owin - ApiController.

Reusing a bearer token for multiple API calls

MS Identity and Access Tool MVC 4

Can I use ADFS 2.0 to authenticate certain users against SQL Server?

MVC 5 - Roles - IsUserInRole and Adding user to role

how can I get Identity UserID in the controller right after a successful login result?