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New posts in claims-based-identity

Merging OAuth accounts in ASP.NET Identity Authentication system

Asp.net Mvc 6 get user claims immediately after log in

Azure Mobile Service and Azure Web App authentication

Claims Stored in Cookies Exceed Max Request Header Length

Validating JWT getting a strange “ Unable to match key kid” error

SAML token size and REST

How to unit test code that uses FederatedAuthentication.SessionAuthenticationModule

Claims based authorization with ASP.NET MVC

User set in global.asax only available after next request

Adding role claims - should i use the IClaimsTransformer

WCF / WIF - Should I find claims in the backend?

How to deal with concurrency failure on IdentityUser update?

MVC 5 with ASP.NET Identity - Get Claims when user logs in

MVC5 Claims Based Authentication - Suitable claim items

Is there a way to customize the Thinktecture.IdentityServer.v2 login page?

Asp.Net Identity - case insensitive email and usernames

ASP.net core auth cookie not being set in Google Chrome when running in dev

.NET Claim in three namespaces

Custom Identity using MVC5 and OWIN

Add a claim to JWT as an array?