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New posts in asp.net-core-identity

Access Identity Password Options after Configure Services

Store does not implement IUserRoleStore<TUser> UserManager<TUser>.GetUserRoleStore() ASP.NET Core MVC 3

What is the purpose of UserManager methods like GetPhoneNumberAsync(IdentityUser user), when the desired properties can be pulled from user object?

Asp.Net Core 3 Identity - Custom Claims not present in JWT from browser

Custom Identity User class with one-to-many relationship creates extra column in database

Testing user if he has a specific authority using AuthorizeAsync() in Xunit-Unit Testing

What is the scheme name for identity?

Change password in ASP.NET Core 2.x

.net core Identity, getting meaningful login failed reason

Need to handle Post Authenticate in Asp.Net Core

AspNetCore 2.0 Identity - Issues with injecting RoleManager

Create and Validate Invitation Code / Token

ASP.NET Core 2.0.3 ClaimsTransformer in combination with HttpContextAccessor, claims are being cleared

Conditionally use Middleware Only On Endpoints That Have Authorize Attributes

How to use Identity in ASP .NET Core 3.1 without EF Core?

Unique UserName & Email per tenant

ASP.NET Core Custom Policy Based Authorization - unclear

How to use ASP.NET Core Identity without roles?