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Converting zenkaku characters to hankaku and vice-versa in C#

c# string format cjk

Awk: How to work on multiple files.txt in folder and subfolders?

regex bash shell awk cjk

Converting chinese to pinyin [closed]

parsing cjk

Spacy Japanese Tokenizer

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Allowing Simplified Chinese Input

Perl regex find character from arbitrary set

regex perl cjk

Convert full-width Japanese text to half-width (zen-kaku to han-kaku)

ruby text unicode cjk

How to get the length of Japanese characters in Javascript?

GNU grep regex `[一-十]` (one to ten) does not match the Chinese character 四 (four)

regex grep cjk

Dealing with Korean text breaking words

css cjk word-break

Convert numbered to accentuated Pinyin?

php regex cjk

Validate Japanese Character in Active Record Callback

Using xlrd to read Excel xls file containing Chinese and/or Hindi characters

python xls cjk xlrd hindi

Differentiating CJK languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) in Android

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Creating PDFs using TCPDF that supports all languages especially CJK

php tcpdf cjk

How do I format Chinese characters so they fit the columns?

c# string formatting cjk

Korean, Thai and Indonesian POS tagger

nlp nltk cjk pos-tagger thai

Python: How to force a "print" to use __unicode__ instead of __str__, or otherwise naturally "print" the message without explicitly calling unicode()

How to convert a pinyin string to chinese in C#

c# wpf cjk

Word wrap algorithms for Japanese