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Convert numbered to accentuated Pinyin?





Given a source text like

nin2 hao3 ma

(which is a typical way to write ASCII Pinyin, without proper accentuated characters) and given a (UTF8) conversion table like


how would I convert the source text into

nín hǎo ma


For what it's worth I'm using PHP, and this might be a regex I'm looking into?

like image 787
Philipp Lenssen Avatar asked Oct 21 '09 05:10

Philipp Lenssen

4 Answers

Ollie's algorithm was a nice start, but it didn't apply the marks correctly. For example, qiao1 became qīāō. This one is correct and complete. You can easily see how the replacement rules are defined.

It does the whole thing for tone 5 as well, although it doesn't affect the output, except for deleting the number. I left it in, in case you want to do something with tone 5.

The algorithm works as follows:

  • The word and tone are provided in $match[1] and [2]
  • A star is added behind the letter that should get the accent mark
  • A letter with a star is replaced by that letter with the correct tone mark.


qiao => (iao becomes ia*o) => qia*o => qiǎo

This strategy, and the use of strtr (which prioritizes longer replacements), makes sure that this won't happen:

qiao1 => qīāō

function pinyin_addaccents($string) {
    # Find words with a number behind them, and replace with callback fn.
    return preg_replace_callback(

# Helper callback
function pinyin_addaccents_cb($match) {
    static $accentmap = null;

    if( $accentmap === null ) {
        # Where to place the accent marks
        $stars =
            'a* e* i* o* u* ü* '.
            'A* E* I* O* U* Ü* '.
            'a*i a*o e*i ia* ia*o ie* io* iu* '.
            'A*I A*O E*I IA* IA*O IE* IO* IU* '.
            'o*u ua* ua*i ue* ui* uo* üe* '.
            'O*U UA* UA*I UE* UI* UO* ÜE*';
        $nostars = str_replace('*', '', $stars);

        # Build an array like Array('a' => 'a*') and store statically
        $accentmap = array_combine(explode(' ',$nostars), explode(' ', $stars));
        unset($stars, $nostars);

    static $vowels =

    static $pinyin = Array(
        1 => Array('ā','ē','ī','ō','ū','ǖ','Ā','Ē','Ī','Ō','Ū','Ǖ'),
        2 => Array('á','é','í','ó','ú','ǘ','Á','É','Í','Ó','Ú','Ǘ'),
        3 => Array('ǎ','ě','ǐ','ǒ','ǔ','ǚ','Ǎ','Ě','Ǐ','Ǒ','Ǔ','Ǚ'),
        4 => Array('à','è','ì','ò','ù','ǜ','À','È','Ì','Ò','Ù','Ǜ'),
        5 => Array('a','e','i','o','u','ü','A','E','I','O','U','Ü')

    list(,$word,$tone) = $match;
    # Add star to vowelcluster
    $word = strtr($word, $accentmap);
    # Replace starred letter with accented 
    $word = str_replace($vowels, $pinyin[$tone], $word);
    return $word;
like image 80
Bouke Versteegh Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Bouke Versteegh

$in = 'nin2 hao3 ma';
$out = 'nín hǎo ma';

function replacer($match) {
  static $trTable = array(
    1 => array(
      'a' => 'ā',
      'e' => 'ē',
      'i' => 'ī',
      'o' => 'ō',
      'u' => 'ū',
      'ü' => 'ǖ',
      'A' => 'Ā',
      'E' => 'Ē'),
    2 => array('i' => 'í'),
    3 => array('a' => 'ǎ')
  list(, $word, $i) = $match;
  return str_replace(
    $word); }

// Outputs: bool(true)
var_dump(preg_replace_callback('~(\w+)(\d+)~', 'replacer', $in) === $out);
like image 43
Ollie Saunders Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Ollie Saunders

For a .NET solution try Pinyin4j.NET

Features Convert Chinese (both Simplified and Traditional) to most popular pinyin systems. Supporting pinyin system are listed below.

  • Hanyu Pinyin 汉语拼音
  • Tongyong Pinyin 通用拼音
  • Wade-Giles 威妥玛拼音
  • MPS2 (Mandarin Phonetic Symbols II) 国语注音符号第二式
  • Yale Romanization 耶鲁罗马化拼音
  • Gwoyeu Romatzyh国语国语罗马化拼音
like image 22
Dale Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10


To add a javascript solution:

This code places Tonemarks according to the official algorithm for placing one, see wikipedia.

Hope that helps some of you, suggestions and improvements wellcome!

    var ACCENTED = {
            '1': {'a': '\u0101', 'e': '\u0113', 'i': '\u012B', 'o': '\u014D', 'u': '\u016B', 'ü': '\u01D6'},
            '2': {'a': '\u00E1', 'e': '\u00E9', 'i': '\u00ED', 'o': '\u00F3', 'u': '\u00FA', 'ü': '\u01D8'},
            '3': {'a': '\u01CE', 'e': '\u011B', 'i': '\u01D0', 'o': '\u01D2', 'u': '\u01D4', 'ü': '\u01DA'},
            '4': {'a': '\u00E0', 'e': '\u00E8', 'i': '\u00EC', 'o': '\u00F2', 'u': '\u00F9', 'ü': '\u01DC'},
            '5': {'a': 'a', 'e': 'e', 'i': 'i', 'o': 'o', 'u': 'u', 'ü': 'ü'}

     function getPos (token) {
            if (token.length === 1){
                // only one letter, nothing to differentiate
                return 0;
            var precedence = ['a', 'e', 'o'];
            for (i=0; i<precedence.length; i += 1){
                var pos = token.indexOf(precedence[i]);
                // checking a before o, will take care of ao automatically
                if (pos >= 0){
                    return pos;
            var u = token.indexOf('u');
            var i = token.indexOf('i');
            if (i < u){
                // -iu OR u-only case, accent goes to u
                return u;
            } else {
                // -ui OR i-only case, accent goes to i
                return i;
            // the only vowel left is ü
            var ü = token.indexOf('ü');
            if (ü >= 0){
                return ü;

     //and finally:
     // we asume the input to be valid PinYin, therefore no security checks....
     function placeTone(numbered_PinYin){
              var ToneIndex = numbered_PinYin.charAt(numbered_PinYin.length -1);
              var accentpos = getPos(numbered_PinYin);
              var accented_Char = ACCENTED[ToneIndex][numbered_PinYin.charAt(accentpos)];

              var accented_PinYin = "";
              if (accentpos === 0){
                  // minus one to trimm the number off
                  accented_PinYin = accented_Char + numbered_PinYin.substr(1, numbered_PinYin.length-1); 
              } else {
                  var before = numbered_PinYin.substr(0, accentpos);
                  var after = numbered_PinYin.substring(accentpos+1, numbered_PinYin.length-1);
                  accented_PinYin = before + accented_Char + after;
               return accented_PinYin;

    console.log(placeTone('han4 zi4'));
like image 20
tike Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10
