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Chef cookbook version delete, or update specific version

chef logging of wget

bash logging chef-infra recipe

Best way to rename a file with chef

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Git checkout in Chef recipe not working

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what is the best way to run chef-client in specific intervals

chef-infra cookbook

How to get current recipe attribute file to be loaded first?


Attribute precedence in chef cookbook

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Installing a Ruby gem from a Github repository using Chef?

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knife configure -i fails

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What's freezing my cookbooks?

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Chef: Can a variable set within one ruby_block be used later in a recipe?

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cannot load such file -- ruby-wmi (LoadError) & cannot load such file -- win32/service (LoadError)

How do you create pretty json in CHEF (ruby)

ruby chef-infra erb

How to pass environment variables to test kitchen in .kitchen.yml

Installing PostgreSQL 9.2 with Chef postgresql

NoMethodError: undefined method `run_list_for' when testing role with ChefSpec

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How would you install a python module with chef?

Chef deploy_resource private repo, ssh deploy keys and ssh_wrapper

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Chef Recipe How To Check If File Exists

Why do Puppet and Chef use Ruby? [closed]

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