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New posts in character

Is 'c' said to be a character or a string in Ruby - or both?

Catch repeat letters in PHP - Regular expressions

php regex character repeat

How to get character count using vi or vim

vim count character vi

How can I find the number of unique characters in a string?

How to convert NSString to Character in Swift?

remove first char of a variable with jQuery

using javascript, how can I count a mix of asian characters and english words

fully emulating missing distinct builtin types (specifically: char16_t and char32_t)

how to add CharacterEllipsis at the beginning of the textblock in wpf?

wpf text character ellipsis trim

How to create multibyte characters in C

finding location of specific characters in UILabel on iPhone

How does .NET determine the Unicode category of a character?

c# .net unicode character

How Can I Detect the Characters Defined in a Font?

php html css character font-face

What's the opposite of \b character, i.e. a kind of non-erasing space?

Is there a way to make R strings verbatim (not escaped)?

r character literals

jquery maxlength "æ" or "ø" or "å" should count as two characters

windows phone 8.1 swype keyboard event capture