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New posts in character

Efficient use of as.numeric() and factor()

r character numeric

extract from string in c using sscanf

c string character scanf

JavaScript print all used Unicode characters

Is only fgets() best avoided in binary mode?

c character

Haskell Character in String function

string list haskell character

Can't make (UTF-8) traditional Chinese character to work in PHP gettext extension (.po and .mo files created in poEdit)

encoding character cjk poedit

Convert Special Characters (other language) to English in PHP

php character

sizeof for a character array

c arrays character sizeof

How To Customize Tesseract Ignores Noise?

Comparing characters in Rebol 3

How to sort a list of strings with a different order?

python list sorting character

Julia: how to concatenate characters of vector together (["a", "b", "c"] -> "abc")

Ambiguity in method invocation, with arguments type of Character and float

java char character

How to use escape character in replace function when replacing quotations in VB

Is there something like java's Character.digit(char ch, int radix) in c#?

c# java character

PHP - adding characters in middle of a string (starting from the end)

Any downsides using '?' instead of L'?' with wchar_t?

c++ c character wchar-t

secured password with regular expression

php regex passwords character

Reading a string from one char to another

c# string character

Java Character literals value with getNumericValue()

java character literals