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New posts in codepoint

Comparing characters in Rebol 3

Why are there duplicate characters in Unicode?

unicode codepoint

Java unicode where to find example N-byte unicode characters

Convert UTF8 string into numeric values in Perl

perl unicode utf-8 codepoint

Finding Unicode character name with Javascript

Retrieve Unicode code points > U+FFFF from QChar

Convert from hex character to Unicode character in python

python unicode hex codepoint

How can I convert a Unicode codepoint (\uXXXX) into a character in Perl?

perl unicode codepoint

Writing a better natural sort (than mine)

What are the consequences of storing a C# string (UTF-16) in a SQL Server nvarchar (UCS-2) column?

How to cast a QChar to int

qt casting int codepoint qchar

Why Unicode is restricted to 0x10FFFF?

What is exactly an overlong form/encoding?

Split JavaScript string into array of codepoints? (taking into account "surrogate pairs" but not "grapheme clusters")

What exactly does String.codePointAt do?

java string unicode codepoint

Difference between codePointAt and charCodeAt

javascript string codepoint

Why does the red heart emoji require two code points, but the other colored hearts require one?

unicode emoji codepoint

Get unicode code point of a character using Python

Why is 'U+' used to designate a Unicode code point?

unicode codepoint

What are the most common non-BMP Unicode characters in actual use? [closed]