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New posts in character-encoding

Read file with unknown encoding

What is the character set if default_charset is empty

Determine if UTF-8 encoded NSData contains a null-terminated string

windows-1252 to UTF-8

java character-encoding

Determining ISO-8859-1 vs US-ASCII charset

akka http, charset header, utf-8 issue

Why is there no byte-order issue with UTF-8 strings?

String formatting c# decode?

How to unescape special characters from BeautifulSoup output?

Google Fonts, CSS, Latin Question

Minimum password length for maximum entropy

Accents in URL, how can I escape them correctly ?

How to know the number of characters in utf8 string

Character encoding in Excel spreadsheet (and what Java charset to use to decode it)

POST parameters using wrong encoding in JSF 1.2

charset utf-8 in asp.net for special turkish characters

What to do with never happening, useless exceptions?

Win32 API: GetLastError() with FormatMessage() prints a junk

Convert hex-encoded String to String

Some UTF-8 characters do not show up on browser