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New posts in character-encoding

I'd like to understand how a windows smart quote turns into "’"

How to fix wrong text file encoding?

Java - Count exactly 60 characters from a string with a mixture of UTF-8 and non UTF-8 characters

HttpClient throws System.ArgumentException: 'windows-1251' is not a supported encoding name

Why doesn't Perl's encoding layer have any effect?

perl character-encoding

Python default string encoding

Remove a degree symbol from a string using Python

MySql UTF encoding

Printing Sigma Symbol in Java

Representing 3 Integers Using One Byte?

Convert byte[] to String using binary encoding

HTML special character decoding

Why is my View utf8 and how can I change it to latin1

Unicode: English characters above code point 127

How to convert a string with character codes above 127 to a byte array properly?

Displaying UTF-16 characters on web browser

Right way to deal with Unicode BOM in a text file

how/unable to convert garbled/strange text to utf-8 android (java)?

How to make cmd correctly display arabic script?

Decoding HttpEntity into android string - encoding issue