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New posts in character-encoding

Why can't I decode this UTF-8 page?

How can I get the value in utf-8 from an axios get receiving iso-8859-1 in node.js

How do I reverse escape backslash encodings like "\ " and "\303\266" in bash?

Fast alternative to java.nio.charset.Charset.decode(..)/encode(..)

What Character Encoding Is This?


What is the "best practice" for choosing character encoding with PHP/MySQL applications?

cfsavecontent + cfinclude with utf-8 charset?

How to make C# show arabic?

vb.net character set

Will iso-8859-1 display german umlauts ok or do I need to use utf-8?

Initializing wonky characters in Java

java character-encoding

Length of string in Perl independent of character encoding

Can I declare two different charsets on one HTML page using a meta tag?

Which encoding to use for reading a string from a file?

What is this encoding? 0x21

Total characters (not code units) of a String in Java considering Supplementary Characters

byte to string and vice versa

smart quotes not converting properly into UTF8

unable to print a greek character in pdf using php script & fpdf

MediaWiki MySQL Database Character set, which one to use?