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Can a method from a singleton object be called from multiple threads at the same time?

c# .net castle-windsor

Help getting DI/IoC in house

Using Castle Windsor WcfFacility to create client endpoints

SportStore: WebUI.WindsorControllerFactory.GetControllerInstance(System.Type: no suitable method found to override

How can I do dependency injection into action filters in ASP.NET 4 RC WebAPI?

What is the difference between using the Service Locator anti-pattern and using the Castle Windsor container?" [closed]

How to use the IConfigurationStore parameter in Windsor Installer?

Can I define custom attributes for proxy type in Castle Windsor

How are components removed with Castle 3.0?

c# .net castle-windsor castle

Castle Windsor Resolve at run time

c# castle-windsor

Allow optional (null) property injection in Castle Windsor via factory method?

c# castle-windsor

Inject AutoMapper

Castle Windsor: Force resolver to use specified constructor

Castle Windsor apply interceptors with selector after component is already registered

IWindsorContainer as a parameter to a class

Setting up Inversion of Control (IoC) in ASP.NET MVC with Castle Windsor

Castle windsor Adding conditional dependency

programmatically change a dependency in Castle Windsor

c# castle-windsor

Castle Windsor strange behaviour wth property injection and factory method