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Castle Windsor strange behaviour wth property injection and factory method

I am using Castle Windsor 2.5.1 in an ASP.NET MVC project and using property injection to create an object which I expect to always be available on a base controller class. I am using a factory to create this object, however if there is an error in the constructor, I do not get a warning from Windsor at all and it just returns my object but without injecting the property.

Is this the expected behaviour, and if so, how can I get an error raised when a factory fails to return anything?

Here is an example

public class MyDependency : IMyDependency
    public MyDependency(bool error)
        if (error) throw new Exception("I error on creation");

public interface IMyDependency

public class MyConsumer
    public IMyDependency MyDependency { get; set; }

public class ProgramTest
    public void CreateWithoutError() //Works as expected
        var container = new WindsorContainer().Register(
            Component.For<IMyDependency>().UsingFactoryMethod(() => new MyDependency(false)).LifeStyle.Transient,

        var consumer = container.Resolve<MyConsumer>();


    public void CreateWithError_WhatShouldHappen() //I would expect an error since it can't create MyDependency
        var container = new WindsorContainer().Register(
            Component.For<IMyDependency>().UsingFactoryMethod(() => new MyDependency(true)).LifeStyle.Transient,

        Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => container.Resolve<MyConsumer>());

    public void CreateWithError_WhatActuallyHappens() //Gives me back a consumer, but ignores MyDependency
        var container = new WindsorContainer().Register(
            Component.For<IMyDependency>().UsingFactoryMethod(() => new MyDependency(true)).LifeStyle.Transient,

        var consumer = container.Resolve<MyConsumer>();

        Assert.IsNull(consumer.MyDependency); //Basically fails silently!

An interesting observation, if I use this in my MVC application, I get an internal error from Windsor when calling ReleaseComponent -- so even though it did not give me back a class with my dependency injected, it still appears to try releasing it.

like image 838
amarsuperstar Avatar asked Dec 09 '10 12:12


1 Answers

As far as I know, yes, that's the intended behavior. This isn't specific to factory methods, it works like that for all optional service dependencies. Optional dependencies that throw when resolving are treated as non-resolvable. This is defined in DefaultComponentActivator.ObtainPropertyValue()

Of course, you could always override the default activator with your own if you want to change this behavior.

like image 129
Mauricio Scheffer Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09

Mauricio Scheffer