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New posts in case-class

Scala wont pattern match with java.lang.String and Case Class

Scala copy case class with generic type

scala generics case-class

Safely copying fields between case classes of different types

Why are case objects serializable and case classes not?

How to shapeless case classes with attributes and typeclasses?

Scala extractors - skip unused parameters

Curried case class constructor on companion

Type alias parameter bounds not enforced in all cases

Reflection on a Scala case class

How to represent a partial update on case classe in Scala ?

scala case-class shapeless

Does the order of alternatives in a Scala match expression matter in terms of performance?

How is this case class match pattern working?

Case class constructor argument type depending on the previous argument value

Map flatten and flatmap not equivalent

scala dictionary case-class

Case classes, pattern matching and curried constructors in Scala

"dynamically" creating case classes with macros

What is the Scala case class equivalent in PySpark?

Case class equality in Apache Spark

Scala: Mix traits and case class in pattern match

How to avoid scala's case class default toString function being overridden?

scala case-class