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New posts in cairo

How to resize svg image file using librsvg Python binding

python cairo librsvg

How to draw directly on the desktop?

c x11 cairo

How to install X11 before testing with GitHub Actions for macOS?

r macos x11 github-actions cairo

How do I use Homebrew to install Python libraries like Py2Cairo

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Failed to install "Cairocffi"

Haskell, GHC, win32, cairo

windows haskell cairo

How do I write an image into an SVG file using cairo?

c++ c svg cairo

Why am I seeing streaks with <canvas> rotation on mobile browsers?

What is the right way to render Cairo updates in Gtk2hs?

haskell cairo gtk2hs

How to create a cairo-gl surface under Gtk

cairo gtk3

Is Cairo acelerated on Opengl backend?

opengl cairo

issue saving R plot with transparent background

r plot ggplot2 cairo

rotate text around its center in pycairo

pyCairo: How to resize and position an image?

python cairo pycairo

How to get better anti-aliasing results in Cairo (examples shown)

Use Windows (TTF) font?

r cairo

Is there a better library for drawing vector graphics in Python than Cairo?

Why is my simple python gtk+cairo program running so slowly/stutteringly?

python animation gtk pygtk cairo

Can cairo use SDL_Texture as a render target?

sdl cairo sdl-2

R plots some unicode characters but not others

r unicode cairo