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cacheDirectory deprecated in 0.13...so now what?

caching task sbt updates

ios cache limit for ipad and iphone

iphone ios ipad caching limit

HttpContext data caching in entity framework

c# entity-framework caching

How do I invalidate cache for a controller url?

Concurrent SortedList or O(log n) concurrent collection

c# .net asp.net-mvc caching

hibernate Inheritance caching, incorrect entity names used in CacheKey?

Combining _.memoize and _.throttle to limit function calls and cache a result within a time window?

unittest laravel caching issue

caching laravel-4 phpunit

Clear Doctrine cache stored in Redis

Cache huge data in-memory

Google Cloud Endpoints not respecting etag cache headers

Memcached slowing down considerably under load on Symfony2+Doctrine2 application

Where get data to compare cache algorithms

Magento FPC Cache Warm with user groups, wget, Lesti FPC

Disable caching for ExtJs app

Hibernate - First query always loads longer

Wordpress w3 total cache and load balancing concerns

Why are favicons cached longer?

html caching favicon

Is it faster to iterate a small list within an any() statement?

In JNI, how do I cache the class, methodID, and fieldIDs per IBM's performance recommendations?