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New posts in c#-5.0

Async Await targeting 4.0 deployment requirements

Why await both the asynchronous request and the reading of its contents?

Is making long-running calls async this simple?

Is it possible to use same async method signature in C# 5.0 and be able to decide later how to execute such method

c# .net async-await c#-5.0

Most efficient way of reading a BinaryFormatter serialized object from a NetworkStream?

What in the Rx Framework allows me to return an IObservable<T> while awaiting other methods during creation?

Registering async factory in Autofac

c# autofac async-await c#-5.0

Colon Parameters in C#, What does the colon stands for [duplicate]

c# c#-4.0 c#-5.0

How is resumption from await implemented?

c# async-await c#-5.0

TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption and Isolation Level?

C# 5.0 async await return a list

c# .net-4.5 c#-5.0 async-await

MVC 4 how to set row id for a WebGrid

disable capturing context in all library code, ConfigureAwait(false)

c# .net async-await c#-5.0

Parallel Blob Upload throwing 404 Bad Request intermittently

"Throttle" a function

c# .net c#-5.0

How can I handle an interface method that may or may not be async?

Calling a base class constructor in derived class after some code block in derived constructor [duplicate]

c# .net constructor c#-5.0

Cancel a static async function with a timeout

What are the risks of wrapping Async/Await IAsyncOperations with Task.Wait() code?

How to ignore unobserved exceptions with async/await in MonoTouch?