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MVC 4 how to set row id for a WebGrid

In a partial Razor view I have this:

    @model IList<Stratent.ScanCloud.Shared.DeliveryOrderLineDto>

    <div id="gridDiv" style="width:100%; max-height:250px; overflow:auto; border:1px solid #d1d3d4">

    var grid = new  WebGrid(Model, defaultSort: "Date",
                           selectionFieldName: "SelectedRow",
                      `enter code here`     fieldNamePrefix: "gridItem", ajaxUpdateContainerId: "grid");


  @if (Model.Count > 0)

          tableStyle: "grid",
          alternatingRowStyle: "gridrow_alternate",
          //format:@<tr id= '@item.OrderId'> </tr>,
          selectedRowStyle: "highlight",
          rowStyle: "gridrow",
          htmlAttributes: new {id = "grid"},
          columns: grid.Columns(
              grid.Column("OrderId", header: "OrderId " + Html.SortDirection(ref grid, "Client"), style: "width:9%"),
              grid.Column("Client", header: "Client " + Html.SortDirection(ref grid, "Client"), style: "width:9%"),
              grid.Column("Date", header: "Date " + Html.SortDirection(ref grid, "Date"), style: "width:9%"),
              grid.Column("Time", header: "Time " + Html.SortDirection(ref grid, "Time"), style: "width:9%"),
              grid.Column("Reference", header: "Reference " + Html.SortDirection(ref grid, "Reference"), style: "width:9%"),
              grid.Column("Order", header: "Order " + Html.SortDirection(ref grid, "Order"), style: "width:15%"),
              grid.Column("Customer", header: "Customer " + Html.SortDirection(ref grid, "Customer"), style: "width:15%"),
              grid.Column("Street", header: "Street " + Html.SortDirection(ref grid, "Street"), style: "width:9%"),
              grid.Column("Number", header: "No " + Html.SortDirection(ref grid, "Number"), style: "width:9%"),
              grid.Column("Town", header: "Town " + Html.SortDirection(ref grid, "Town"), style: "width:9%"),
              grid.Column("Crs", header: "Crs " + Html.SortDirection(ref grid, "Crs"), style: "width:15%"),
              grid.Column("Document", header: "Document " + Html.SortDirection(ref grid, "Document"), style: "width:15%")


 @if(Model.Count == 0)
        <p>There are no OrderLines available.</p>


In the main page I call

<%Html.RenderPartial("_orderLinesList", Model.Items); %>

and then I use this to pass the orderId to the controller:

<script type="text/javascript">
     $(function () {
        $("tbody tr").click(function () {
            var url = '<%=Url.Action("SelectOrderLine", "DeliveryOrderLines", new {id = "__id__"}) %>';
            url = url.replace('__id__', $(this).attr('id'));
            location.href = url;
        .hover(function () { $(this).addClass('highlight'); }, function () { $(this).removeClass('highlight'); });


In the ActionResult from my Controller

 public ActionResult SelectOrderLine(int id)
        return RedirectToAction("Index", "DeliveryOrderLine", new {id = id});

I do not receive any id.

In the rendered html code I've seen that the does not have any Id to send in the ActionResult from Controller.

The grid rows does not contain any button like Edit, Delete ... this is not intended.

I want to define an id for each row and to use this id when a row is selected and then to send the id into the ActionResult method from my Controller.

Can you please tell me how I can solve this issue?

Thank you.

like image 283
Adi Toma Avatar asked Jun 27 '13 17:06

Adi Toma

1 Answers

You can specify the format of each column when you set the grid up:

grid.Column("InvoiceID", header: "Invoice",
                format: @<text>@Html.ActionLink((string)item.InvoiceID.ToString(),
                "Invoice", "Invoice", new { invoiceID = item.InvoiceID }, null)</text>),

This will generate the appropriate link with an ID to pass back to your controller.

like image 132
Simon Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10
