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New posts in c++20

Would it be sufficient for constexpr, consteval, and constinit to be definitions instead of keywords?

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Using constinit variable to initialize a constexpr variable

c++ c++20

Why is there no enumeration concept in C++ 20?

Holding or passing around non-addressable-functions since C++20 [duplicate]

Can `co_yield` return a value from the caller on resumption of the coroutine?

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std::adjacent_difference with std::chrono time_point

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c++20 library support for xcode 12

what are the constraints for std::ranges::make_heap?

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Why is there an `equivalent` value for std::strong_ordering?

Is there a way to iterate over std::tuple and std::array using the same index?

Passing a string literal to a template char array parameter

`make_unique_for_overwrite` still initializes `std::pair` elements

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What's the special value of `co_yield` in contrast to a simple stateful lambda in C++20?

Which substitution failures are not allowed in requires clauses?

C++ 20 Concepts: Require operator overloading

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What are the rules for creating your own (pipeable) ranges ::views and ::actions?

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Does clang++ 12 support C++20 std::construct_at?

c++ clang++ c++20

Why does Visual Studio compile this function correctly without optimisation, but incorrectly with optimisation?

Why can the type constraint `std::convertible_to` be used with only one template argument?

Three-way comparison and constexpr function template: which compiler is right?