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New posts in build-tools

How do you use browserify in a Gulp task?

Failed to resolve com.android.support.test:runner:1.0.0 and 'com.android.support.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.0.0'

With scons, how do you link to prebuilt libraries?

Can't resolve dependency in Android Studio with jcenter

Failed to find Build Tools revision 27.1.1. When I try to download, says it has no download link:

App crashing on Android API less than 5.0(lollipop)

why can quotes be left out in names of gradle tasks

gradle groovy build-tools

CMake: How do I change properties on subdirectory project targets?

More than one file was found with OS independent path 'lib/mips/libRSSupport.so' when using buildToolsVersion 28.0.1

How to replace in stream using Gulp?

Android build tools 1.1.0, unit test folder?

Apply visual styling to echo commands used in npm scripts via package.json

Android Build Tools only builds x86_64 no matter what. APK runs installed via adb, but shows incompatible on Play Store

Rendering Problems Exception raised during rendering: color and position arrays must be of equal length

Clean Blank Android App fails to build - 'failed to find Build Tools revision 23.0.0 rc1'

react-native: how to update to build tools 23.0.2?

Replacing build.xml with Build.java - using Java and the Ant libraries as a build system

Scala build tools SBT vs CBT [closed]

scala sbt build-tools

PHP Build system [closed]