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New posts in boolean-logic

Return true if all column values are true

How can I build a Truth Table Generator?

combine multiple conditions in if-statement

Why are products called minterms and sums called maxterms?

Combine logical vectors in list using logical OR

r list boolean boolean-logic

Boolean assignment operators in PHP

Dynamically evaluating simple boolean logic in Python

In C++, why does true && true || false && false == true?

in C# what does 'bool = bool != true' mean?

c# boolean-logic

What is the difference between Verilog ! and ~?

Simplify boolean expression algorithm

Does ruby have an array sum method for boolean values?

ruby boolean-logic

Why are some of the logical operators so slow?

r boolean-logic

Boolean expression order of evaluation in Java?

Check if multiple values are all false or all true

How can I simplify this set of if statements? (Or, what's making it feel so awkward?)

Better ways to find if both variables are true or both are false

java boolean-logic

Why is 1===1===1 false?

How can I implement user-friendly boolean logic in a web form GUI?

Makefile ifeq logical AND