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New posts in bing-maps

Can I adjust my Bing Map's View/LocationRect/Bounding Box by a small amount?

c# bing-maps pushpin

WP7 Bing Map Pushpin - how to tweak the location of the custom pushpin?

windows-phone-7 bing-maps

Launching WP7 Map Application

Is there a way to get a place name based on coordinates?

Create custom “temperature” map with front-end JavaScript

BingMapsTask on Windows Phone 8.1

Bing Maps API - Remove Pins

javascript bing-maps

Bulk Geocoding Through HttpRequest

Reading an XML Feed into XElement

Center and Zoom on Bing Maps WPF

c# wpf bing-maps

Calculate and draw route on Bing Maps control

No implementation file was provicded for the .winmd file

c# windows-8 bing-maps

How can I filter Bing Location API results by user location for auto complete?

Adding Click Event listener to Pushpin

android bing-maps

Bing maps custom pushpin not showing without moving the map

Infobox on polygons in Bing Maps Android SDK

android gis bing-maps

Google places API similar API from Bing?