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Launching WP7 Map Application

Hopefully this is an easy one.

In my app, I have an event page with an address listed. Currently I have a link to view map which brings up a page in my application that uses the map control, and using lat/long that I pass, displays the location of the event.

What I would like for it to do is to send the lat/long to the existing maps application so any driving directions (etc) could be handled by that application.

Is this possible?

like image 876
earthling Avatar asked Feb 25 '23 01:02


1 Answers

There isn't an existing Maps launcher (I really wish there was), the only work around at the moment that I've seen is a Pseudo Map Launcher by Kevin Marshall.

like image 103
Nigel Sampson Avatar answered Mar 06 '23 07:03

Nigel Sampson