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New posts in binary-data

Convert an image to binary data (0s and 1s) in java

java image binary-data

How does pack() and unpack() work in Ruby

Read binary file in C# from specific position

c# binary-data

what is binary data?

httprequest and binary data in javascript

How transform a dart's ByteData into a String?

What data type is suitable to handle binary data in ActiveX method?

delphi activex binary-data

Problems in writing binary data with node.js

Why does PHP substr() change ASCII carriage return byte?

php binary-data substr

Write binary data to file, literally

How to process large binary data in Clojure?

clojure binary-data

data-binary parameter in cURL

php curl binary-data

How do I start reading at an offset in binary data?

ruby binary-data bindata

Most efficient way (time and space wise) to send binary data in response

Saving and retreving photos and videos in Parse (Android)

How to write raw type / bytes to stdout?

r stdout binary-data

How to convert binary string to the byte array of 2 bytes in java

Parsing binary data in JavaScript

How to read in binary data and cast to unsigned char (C++)