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New posts in pack

Pack/unpack array of binary data

perl binary integer pack

struct.pack(!i, 10) result is "00 00 00 0d 0a" on Windows

python struct pack

auto-repeat flag in a pack format string

python pack

Algorithm to calculate the positions of random circles so they don't overlap

algorithm random geometry pack

ruby pack and hex values

ruby decoding pack hex unpack

How do I pack 128- or 256-bit numbers

perl pack

Python 3 struct.pack() printing weird characters

How to print a variable in reversed byte order?

perl pack unpack

PHP Convert int to HEX

php hex pack

pack/unpack functions for C++

c++ serialization pack unpack

c++ Unpacking parameter pack from template arguments

c++ parameters pack

compute CRC of struct in Python

python struct crc pack nrpe

Why does this decrease the audio quality?

How to return a template pack nested in other pack?

Is pack('i',1) always 4 bytes?

php pack

Perl pack()ing a message?

perl word message pack

python struct pack with space padding

python struct pack

How do I convert Perl's pack 'Nc*' format to struct.pack for Python?

python perl struct pack

Python: How to transfer varrying length arrays over a network connection

Parameter Pack with alternating types