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New posts in bibtex

LaTeX \cite giving a [?]

latex tex bibtex

How to indicate "accessed" attribute in Bibtex file when citing urls with IEEE?

url latex bibtex citations ieee

How to preserve quotes in BibTeX

latex bibtex

Remove header from bibliography pages

latex pdflatex bibtex

Convert string of words to a custom acronym/abbreviation in R and concatenate it with data from other rows?

r text bibtex abbreviation

deleting a specific entry from a bibtex file based on cite key using Python

python regex bibtex

Fix encoding of incoherently encoded text file

Odd Bibtex behaviour in a Latex document

latex bibtex

Is there a way to download bibtex from Google Scholar using PHP

php bibtex google-scholar

How to automatically turn BibTex citation into something parseable by Zotero?

Does pybtex support accent/special characters in .bib file?

python latex bibtex

How do I enter angle brackets in bibtex?

latex bibtex

BibTex grammar for ANTLR

parsing antlr grammar bibtex

a bib style to capitalize book titles but not paper titles [closed]

latex bibtex

Jupyter notebook with bibtex citations

ipython bibtex jupyter

Use advanced cite commands (e.g., citetitle, citeauthor, footcite from biblatex/natbib) in R markdown file compiled as both PDF & HTML

Bibtex on a webpage?

python bibtex

Capital in Bibtex

latex bibtex

Extracting from .bib file with Raku (previously aka Perl 6)

latex raku tex bibtex

Is there a reliable python library for taking a BibTex entry and outputting it into specific formats?

python django bibtex