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New posts in beagleboard

How to capture from webcam in Linux using Mono?

c# .net linux mono beagleboard

X11vnc server exits when I close tightVNC viewer

Cross-compiling Apache Thrift Program for armhf

BeagleBone Black not detected in network interface on Mac

Compile GCC with Code Sourcery

Why are two cursors running and moving in an embedded applicaton at the same time?

reading output from /dev/ttyACM0 results in beagle board freezing (Embedded stuff)

ttyO ports do not have the good port address on QEMU 1.4.0 running image for beagleboard-xm

USB Dongle Recognition in Android - Beaglebone

Cannot connect to beaglebone.local

How to implement highly accurate timers in Linux Userspace?

linux timer beagleboard

Creating a website to communicate with an embedded device

For what kind of applications can i use dsp core of beagleboard? Can i use the DSP acceleration for background subtraction algorithm?

Set up Beagleboard emulator with qemu in Ubuntu

arm qemu beagleboard linaro

Angstrom start-up processes [beaglebone]

Beagleboard: How do I send/receive data to/from the DSP?

Interrupts in Beaglebone

Creating a Gatt Server?

Duplicating identical BeagleBone Black setups