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grep get matched text's filename and line number in bash

bash grep

Bash, call a function sourced from a script?

bash function

Script getting git working directory root? [duplicate]

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Is unsetting global variables defined in a script good practice?

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bash for loop using variables with spaces

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how to redirect output of echo over ssh to a file

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bash for loop with numerated names

Linux - How can I copy files of the same extension located in several subdirectories into a single directly?

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mpc / mpd on linux: how to play local wav file

Using awk and df (disk free) to show only mount name and space used

bash awk

Why does "if 0;" not work in shell scripting?

bash shell if-statement

Grep numbers between colon and comma

perl bash sed awk grep

Bash: enumerate all the attached devices

android bash awk

how to make switch execute 2 cases

Determining the type of terminal (classic Unix terminal vs graphical terminal)


How to validate filename in bash script?

bash validation filenames

Bash: increment a variable from a script every time when I run that script

Is there an implementable (non-theoretical) way to prove if email address belong to real email account?

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Find a line in a file and add something to the end of the line in bash

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How to fill empty lines from one file with corresponding lines from another file, in BASH?

bash awk cut