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Setting a variable in a one-liner Bash script

bash case

Bash: Split a file in linux in 10 pieces only by blank lines

linux bash file scala split

How to check if there is a parameter provided in bash?

How do I get the 2nd and 4th character from a string

regex string bash substring cut

Cat Command Not Reading All Data in Text File

bash cat

Remove last word in bash variable


Bash: How can I subtract two time strings using bash?

bash shell

How can I export a recursive directory & file listing to a text file in Linux Bash shell with an SSH command?

How to quickly delete the lines in a file that contain items from a list in another file in BASH?

bash optimization sed

Bind two files by column in bash

bash cbind

How to untar all tar files in current directory using Putty

bash tar

Why "which cp | ls -l " is not treate as "ls -l $(which cp)"?

linux bash command-line pipe ls

Delete duplicate consecutive lines without sort or unique in xml file

regex xml bash awk sed

How to make a return from a child function cause a return to the parent function?

linux bash shell ash

Can a bash heredoc put its result directly into a variable?


How do you remove all the lines between two html tags using sed (or similar)?

regex bash sed

bash script unable execute after a commented line

bash unix

How to redirect the output of the program Valgrind is running on?

bash valgrind

passing argument from shell script to hive script

bash hadoop hive

Set aliases globally for all users

bash unix